Out-of-School Time Programs:

TCDN provides before and after school care for children in kindergarten through 5th grade in three convenient locations within the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District. Each location offers:

  • A safe, nurturing environment
  • Multiple, engaging activities to choose from (i.e. outside/inside games, teacher-facilitated creative/skill-building programs, self-selected activities with friends)
  • Nutritious snacks
  • A conducive atmosphere to complete homework

Kindergarten Complement (Explorers) & Before/After School Program Application 2025-2026

Incoming Explorer kindergartner families: Please select your WSSD kindergarten placement. Your complement session will be the opposite of your child’s WSSD kindergarten. All PM Explorers who need aftercare, please select the SASC site. If you want your WES or NPE kindergartener to attend the Wallingford, or Nether Providence After School program, you must request PM kindergarten from the school district.

TCDN 2025-2026 School Age Program Enrollment Process

  1. Once your enrollment period opens, families will send their completed application via email to [email protected], and once a space is confirmed, you will receive email confirmation.
  2. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some of our programs fill quickly.
  3. Once your child is confirmed, you will receive a bill via email for the $125 non-refundable registration fee. This fee can be paid via the portal with a credit card, or a check dropped off at the TCDN Main Office. There is a 2.85% vendor fee for credit card payments.
  4. All fees are due by the date on your invoice to secure your space in our programs.

Families will be emailed the Enrollment Packet including the Tuition Agreement in June. All enrollment forms, including a health form, will be due by July 1st.

Application forms will be emailed to families on the dates below:

  • TCDN Cricket Families: March 4th
  • Current TCDN Families: March 10th
  • Open to the WSSD Community: March 17th -Applications will be posted on the TCDN website by 11 am


For more information on TCDN Out of School Time programs, or to schedule a tour or visit an Out of School Time location, contact Ursula Peterson, Out of School Time Director, [email protected] 610-544-4555 x250.

OST Flyer

Before School Club (BSC)

Swarthmore After School Club (SASC)

Wallingford After School Club (WASC

Nether Providence After School Club (NPASC)

Before School Club (BSC)

At a Glance


The courtyard area behind the Swarthmore-Rutledge Elementary School, 100 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081. (Conveniently located within walking distance to the Swarthmore SEPTA regional rail station, Swarthmore College, and the Swarthmore town center.) Phone: 610-544-1320

Program Hours/Enrollment Options:

7:00am – 8:45am, with transportation provided to the Wallingford Elementary School and the Nether Providence Elementary School.  Breakfast is provided.

Flexible enrollment 3-5 days/week, with the option to add the Explorer program and/or an After School program

Extended enrollment options on some school closing days and all school early dismissal and delayed opening days


The Before School Club provides before school care to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade, who attend all elementary schools in the WSSD. Children may also enroll from outside the district.

The program offers children a comfortable space and a variety of activity options. Children enjoy breakfast provided by TCDN, play with friends, participate in provided activities of the choice, or work on homework. Outside play is sometimes incorporated. The focus is on facilitating children’s self-initiated play, developing relationships with staff and other children, and offering enriching experiences.

Swarthmore After School Club (SASC)

At a Glance

The courtyard area behind the Swarthmore-Rutledge Elementary School, 100 College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081. (Conveniently located within walking distance to the Swarthmore SEPTA regional rail station, Swarthmore College, and the Swarthmore town center.) Phone: 610-544-1320

Program Hours/Enrollment Options:

Flexible enrollment 3-5 days/week, with the option to add the BSC or Explorer program

Extended enrollment options on some school closing days and all school early dismissal days


A healthy afternoon snack is provided, including many whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables


The Swarthmore After School Club provides after school care to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade attending the Swarthmore-Rutledge Elementary School. Children from outside the district may also enroll. The indoor facility is spacious, with varied learning areas available for individual or group play and exploration.

There are daily opportunities for outdoor play and occasional use of the school gymnasium. Project activities are planned by teachers as a choice for children, and incorporate children’s interests and desire to increase knowledge and skills. A quiet homework time is available, with teacher assistance, if necessary.

Wallingford After School Club (WASC)

At a Glance

Within the Wallingford Presbyterian Church, Brookhaven & Avondale Road, Wallingford, PA 19086. Conveniently located within walking distance from the Wallingford SEPTA regional rail station. Phone: 610-566-5350

Program Hours/Enrollment Options:


Flexible enrollment 3-5 days/week, with the option to add the BSC or Explorer program

Extended enrollment options on some school closing days and all school early dismissal days


A healthy afternoon snack is provided, including many whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables


The Wallingford After School Club provides after school care to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade attending the Wallingford Elementary School. Children are transported by school bus directly to the WASC program. Children may also attend from outside the district. The indoor facility includes two large rooms, with various learning areas and play spaces available for individual or group play and exploration.

There are daily opportunities for outdoor play on a spacious outside recreation area. Project activities are planned by teachers as a choice for children, and incorporate children’s interests and desire to increase their knowledge and skills. A quiet homework time in a separate room is available, with teacher assistance, if necessary.

Nether Providence After School Club (NPASC)

At a Glance


Conveniently located within the Nether Providence Elementary School, 410 Moore Road, Wallingford, PA.  Phone: 610-892-3470 x8102

Program Hours/Enrollment Options:

3:30pm – 6:00pm

Flexible enrollment 3-5 days/week, with the option to add the Before School Club or Kindergarten Complement program (Explorers).

Extended enrollment options on some school closing days and all school early dismissal days.


A healthy afternoon snack is provided, including many whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables.


The Nether Providence After School Club provides after school care to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade attending the Nether Providence Elementary School. The indoor space will include the school cafeteria, with learning materials available for individual or group play and exploration. Project activities are planned by teachers as a choice for children and incorporate children’s interests and desire to increase their knowledge and skills. A quiet homework time is provided, with teacher assistance, if necessary. The gymnasium will be available after 4:30pm for gross motor play and group games.

There are daily opportunities for outdoor play on the school playground and available fields.